Tuesday, November 9, 2010

ooooh i don't want to grow up...

So-today I registered for my last semester of classes EVERRRRR!! I am over the top excited because I am so sick of school. 

Last Thursday and Friday I traveled to Baltimore to interview with Marriott for their Manager Development Program.  If I get in they could send me anywhere in the US!! I am hoping they choose to send me to New York City.  Even though, if you know me, I hate the cold and could not wait to get to Florida to get away from it, but I think it would be amazing to live in NYC, at least while I'm young.  I want to live in as many cities as possible before I settle down and have a family.  Which, is good for the Hospitality industry because people are constantly getting relocated. 

All of this last semester and new career talk has been making me realize that I am growing up.  I don't want to.  This year I might not be able to go home for Thanksgiving, and that  makes me sick.  I don't want to give up the holidays.  I have been spoiled all my life in that I have been able to be home with my family for every holiday (except for one new years eve I spent in Argentina).  I have been listening to Taylor Swift's new album and one song is about not growing up, and it almost makes me cry every single time I listen to it. 

That's all for now- nothing else exciting has been happening to me lately. boo.

"...que sera sera..."

Monday, October 18, 2010

In New York....

I just got back to Florida from my trip home to New York.  It was soooo fun! and very eventful.  I didn't have enough time in the day to do everything I wanted, so I sacrificed some sleep.  The only thing I regret is not seeing enough of Ganna :( So anyway, I will give you a run down of the weekend.

Wednesday: flight home-played with the puppy :)-dinner with my mama and the peeps <3 then out with Nicky (my big brotherrr) Lisa and Sarah.

Thursday- got a MASSAGE! best thing in the world- went to the Athenaeum Hotel to see the GM but he was not there, so I chatted with some other friends- dinner at bonaventure with Abbie (pooter) and then drinks with the old cheer ladies- home to hang out with some of my favs from highschool :)

Friday- MANICURE!!! back to the Athenaeum to really see the GM- home to get ready for Buffalo.  Left for b-lo with Sarah and Nicky-got to see Jena :))) went out in Buffalo for the bar crawl with some lovlies :)

Saturday- after only three hours of sleep, went to Edinboro to see Kourtney :) went shopping with mama and Kait. Dinner at FORTE with the fam (PHENAMENOL) Hung out with Ganna and Monica :) best comination of people ever --me, mon, ganna--perfect if sarah would have been involved as well (eight boob club)

Sunday- lunch at grammy's.  football with ganna. mall with ganna and lisa. sushi with ganna and lisa. pack/clean with sarah. sleep. PHEW!!

I had a pretty packed weekend.  I will go into detail a little better later. Too tired right now.

"...que sera sera..."

Thursday, October 7, 2010

...things just got interesting...

So, I mentioned before that I interviewed at Loews Hotel in Miami Beach and I GOT THE JOB! woooo I am officially employed.  However, I also made it to the final round of interviews for the Marriot Manager in Training program, so that's great too!

I am traveling back home to good ol' upstate New York on Wednesday.  I am sure I will freeze.  Today in Miami I was cold because it was a nice breezy 79 degrees outside. I am turning into a true Floridian.  Don't scoff just yet, there was very little humidity so it didn't feel that hot, and it has been in the 90's lately, so dropping 10 degrees is a little drastic.  Anyway, I have a packed weekend in NY ahead of me!  I get in on Wednesday afternoon and will prob just hang out, but Thursday I will more than likely be seeing as many people as I can, Friday I am going to Buffalo for the Buffalo bar crawl with Sarah and her sisterrrrr and Saturday I am going to see my baby sister Kourtney and older sister Kait at a football game at Kourn's school.  Whew.  And that doesn't even count the late night chats with Ganna that I am sure will occur and Sunday at Grandma's with the cousins.  Home gets crazy for me since I'm only there for a little while and not that often. 

I still haven't decided on my Halloween costume just yet..the jury is still out on either Marilyn or a Flamingo...it could go either way at this point....ahhh I need someone to make this decision for me!!!!

"...que sera sera..."

Thursday, September 30, 2010

rain rain go away

Tropical storm Nicole has made her presence in South Florida.  It rained literally all day on Wednesday and part of the day on Thursday.  I think she has passed by though, thank goodness!!!  Although I was forced to walk around South Beach on Wednesday in the rain due to an interview I had a Loews Hotel.  I'll update when I hear something!

If anyone ever tells you that you are not good enough, then he or she is actually the one who is not good enough for YOU.  No one should have the ability to make another person feel as though they are not a worthy enough person for whatever reason, and people who do are clearly not happy with their own lives and need to push down on others.  Whew..I needed to get that out!

I'm making a trip back home to good ol' upstate New York in two weeks!! I'm ready for some craziness!  Also, I am looking forward to the fall weather.  I love not having cold weather here in Miami, but I do on occasion like the smell of autumn.  Also, I like the fashion that comes along with cooler weather :)

For halloween I'm thinking of two things...Marilyn Monroe (because she is my idol) of a FLAMINGO (because I LOOOOVE them) let me know your thoughts!

"que sera sera..."

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Life as I knew it...

I am going to give this blog thing a try, I think my life is pretty interesting so I'll give it a shot.  I just moved to Miami, FL to finish my Masters degree and am loving life.  The weather however is not so great, we are currently in a tropical storm warning.  I don't understand how people here are all so calm about it! I am freaking out!! Hopefully it will quickly pass and we can get back to the beautiful beach weather that I moved here for. 

I have been through some rough changes in the past few months.  After I moved back to Miami I realized how much I really like living at home with all of my friends and family.  Also, my boyfriend of over four years and I broke up.  We planned our lives together, we had plans, and now they are over.  With a little fighting on my end of not wanting to end it I quickly came to the realization that we were not good together, we were actually quite toxic.  Our relationship turned into a constant fight and neither of us were happy.  Unfortunately, I had poured my heart and soul into our relationship and was heart broken when it ended.  I don't know if I believe in love anymore.  At least not that kind of love.  How can I love someone who has the ability to make me feel as horrible as I do.  I used to believe in the fairy tale ending, and now I think that will never happen to me.  Maybe I used up all of my loves that I am allowed in life :-/  I don't know.

I am not in a good place in my life right now.  I know I have friends both in Miami and at home who love me and only want the best for me, and my family will always be there for me, but I am alone and do not know what to do with my life.  I need a break from my own life.

"que sera sera..." one of my favorite quotes that I am trying really hard to remember and live by.