Friday, July 1, 2011

Marilyn Monroe

I have a mild obsession with Marilyn Monroe.  For Christmas not one, but two of my three sisters got me a Marilyn book.  Also, my cousin, who was my secret santa, bought me a coffee mug with a Marilyn quote...clearly my obsession is public.  I have started a small collection of Marilyn items in my apartment, and plan to continue. 

Lately I have been wondering why this obsession started.  At first, I think it was for the same reason everyone who loves her, loves her...she was a beautiful successful actress, I don't agree with everything she did, like have an affair with multiple men, buuuut for the most part I thought her life was magnificent.

Now, I think the obsession continued growing because I sort of relate to her.  She only ever played the dumb blonde role because that's all her managers and directors would allow her to do, she was good at it, why change something that was working, right? Although, she wasn't dumb, she was actually quite intelligent.  Well, a lot of people only think of me as a dumb blonde. I'm not dumb, nor am I naturally blonde. Anyway, I do tend to put on a show and hide the real me from time to time.  A little while ago I was talking with one of my best friends and she said to me that many people have asked her why she is friends with me since I am so flighty.  This really upset me, I wanted to scream, "KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!" but I clearly didn't. Marilyn played a dumb blonde and people thought that was all she was...I put up walls and not allow people to see the real me, which sometimes comes off as a dumb blonde.  Fortunately, I know it's an act, I'm not really dumb, and honestly, I don't really care if someone thinks otherwise...get to know me, then you will see I'm not so flighty. "I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves. They didn't bother to find out who and what I was. Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn't argue with them. They were obviously loving somebody I wasn't." Marilyn Monroe. I love finding a Marilyn quote that fits my life <3

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